Thursday, March 13, 2008

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

This whole procedure is going to go very fast, I know that, but the schedule ahead looks pretty daunting. January and February will be months of many Dr. visits, ultrasounds, drugs, blood draws, etc. I had my 10th day blood work done for the conclusion of my chlomid challenge test. Now they'll determine how much of the other drugs to give me. I did that yesterday.

Today Miles took his 'stuff' to be cryopreserved for the backup in case something happens the day of the egg harvesting/fertilization day.

Profile results:
Volume: 4.2 ml (normal range >2.0)
Concentration: 50.0 million/ml (normal range >20)
Motility: 30% rapid (normal >25%)
Morphology: 11% normal forms (normal >5%)

Looks like everything on the Dad side is a-ok.