Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Getting Started

(Tuesday, January 25, 2005) -- Today I had my blood drawn again - another pregnancy test at the lab, then on to the Dr. office for an ultrasound. This time they were checking for anything abnormal that would indicate that we shouldn't go on with the process. I have had a little spotting over the last few days and they saw a little bit of fluid around my cervix, but they said that was normal and nothing to be concerned about.

They also gave me a little care package - extra needles, alcohol wipes and cotton balls for the Lupron I'll be starting tomorrow. She showed me how to do the injection - not too scary and a very small needle, so shouldn't be too bad. I'll see how I feel about that tomorrow after I give myself the 1st injection - yikes!

So tomorrow in the AM (between 6-8) I've got to take: Lupron injection, dexamethasone (something like that) for stress - it's a pill, birth control pill, extra 1 mg. of folic acid, prenatal vitamin and aspirin (81mg). I hope I don't forget anything!

I don't have to worry about the next change until my next appointment on 2/3. They'll give me instructions for the Follistim and the rest of the stuff. Right now I just continue with the BCP and Lupron - needs to overlap for 5 days. I end the BCP on 1/30 (Saturday) and then should start my period a few days later. I need to call the Dr. on day 1 of my next cycle, which is the real one!!!

Funny they count your delivery date from day 1 of your cycle, so that could be as early as next week. Holy cow!

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