Tuesday, May 6, 2008


(Sunday, January 16, 2005) -- Miles and I took our 1 mg. each of Zithromax today. It is an antibiotic that treats an undetected infection in the lining of the uterus. I think Miles has to take it too because of the potential for him to pass to me during the act. They said it might cause sausea and diarreah, so they suggested we not go anywhere in case we do have trouble.

We are in Winter Park and I forgot to pick up the perscription before we left. Luckily Safeway was able to call the King Soopers pharmacy in Fort Collins and fill it for us. we have Monday off (MLK) so the worse case is we would have had to take it on Monday evening.

We also had some yogurt tonight to hopefully pre-empt a yeast infection. They want us to take the Zithromax 1 month prior to the IVF in case of a yeast infection. That gives us enoufh time to treat it just in case.

(Saturday, January 22, 2005) -- We picked up all of our perscriptions this week. Insurance covered quite a bit. I was amazed at how expensive some of them are!
  • Follistim (induce ovulation & pregnancey) - $3,936! (I only had to pay $40)
  • Repronex (induce ovulation & pregnancy - in males to induce sperm production) - $808 (I paid $25)
  • Lupron (treat advance prostate cancer!!) $550 (I paid $25)
  • The rest were $5-$10
So there goes the $5,000 drug benefit for our infertility (and $5000 of the $14-16k quoted for the entire procedure).

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